Kamen Rider DK

Kamen Rider Axe



Hunt is the original Ventaran Kamen Rider Axe. He was rescued by Master Eubulon from the Advent Void. He's a lone wolf type person who tends to fight on his own rather than with the other Riders; a strong contrast to his Earth counterpart, Danny Cho (he would often be with his brother Albert during jobs). Shortly after his rescue, he is deployed to Asia to upload a virus to Xaviax's transmitters. When Adam attempts to rejoin the other Riders by assisting Hunt in destroying monsters, Hunt doesn't buy into his act and threatens to vent him if he continues to follow. He returns to meet Kit, both initially wary of each other due to past experiences with the other's twin, but soon accepting each other as fellow Riders. While he doesn't still trust Adam, he is accepting of him for the time being. He goes on a mission with Price and Eubulon to shut down a transmitter. He is overwhelmed by Wildboarder and the Sheerghosts resulting in Hunt becoming injured enough to be put in a healing trance. He recovers in time for the final battle against Xaviax fighting his way through his army and finally destroying Xaviax by using his Link Vent. He continues to fight as a Kamen Rider from reminants of Xaviax's army and helps to rebuild Ventara.