Kamen Rider DK

Kamen Rider Axe


Danny Cho

Danny Cho is a money-hungry thief, but he always puts his family first. He lived a harsh life with only his brother Albert to help support him and vice-versa. Following a recent motorcycle heist, he was approached by Xaviax who offered him and his brother a big paycheck in exchange for participating in "the biggest heist on Earth." Danny becomes Kamen Rider Axe, a Kamen Rider with a tiger Advent Deck. He and Albert would be rewarded if they can defeat Kamen Rider Wing Knight. Len quickly stole his Advent Deck while they were transforming on their first time meeting. He and Albert later crashed Grace's Book Store and ended up fighting Kit, Len, and Chris. Like Drew and JTC, he is completely aware of Xaviax's true motives but will go along with him to get what he wants. After his brother is vented, Danny goes on a personal vendetta against Kit in order to avenge him in spite of Xaviax's orders. Driven off by Siren before he could use his Final Vent on Kit, Danny's given a final chance. However he does not take James's words to heart and continues his path of vengeance. But during a battle with Kit, Strike appears and uses his Final Vent on Danny sending him to the Advent Void. Danny is the seventh Kamen Rider to be vented in the series.
During the Epilogue, Eubulon rescues Danny from the Advent Void and erases his memories to return him to his normal life.